Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A little comic relief

A man walks into a Bar. He sits down and orders a beer. Now the bartender looks at the guy kind of funny. He has a little guy sitting on his shoulder.

The bartender draws a nice cold Bud Draft and sets it in front of the man.

The bartender turns around and the little guy runs down the big guys arm and kicks over his beer. Then return to his shoulder and sits down. The big guys flags the bartender down and ask for another one. Again the bartender get a Bud and sit it in front of the guy and the little guy runs down and kicks it over runs back up and sits down.

Again the guy flags down the bartender and ask for another beer. Again he gets him one ans sits it down on the bar in front of him, and again the little guy runs down and kicks it over. The bartender comes back with another full beer and before he sits it down ask the big guy "Whats up with that dude on your shoulder?"

Well that is a long story but to make it short. I was an astronaut and i went into space and landed way off course. I was looking for food and wood, i came across this oil lamp in the sand. I went to rub it and POOF a Gennie popped out and gave me three wishes. My first wish was to be young and youthful forever. my second wish was to have plenty of money for ever and I had it in my bank account. My third wish was to have a 10" prick, the little fucker has been with me ever since.....

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